Friday, July 8, 2011

Great Cause and Giant Makeup Giveaway!

Hey there makeup junkies! So who wants to win 600$ worth of awesome/hard to find/LE makeup froducts? No? ...not you?.. oh okay.. i'll just go share this link with someone who's interested then..


This is sayanythingbrooke the makeup guru on youtube. She’s doing a giveaway as incentive to have us donate to one of her local animal shelters. There’s 3 prize packages, (1st, 2nd and 3rd place.) and all together, they’re worth close to 1000$!!!! donating isnt necessary to enter, but Please Please Please do..if you’re winning a prize worth 600$ should really just donate whatever you can. Give up your morning coffee and make it at home for a couple weeks, or don't go buy that eyeshadow that you want but already have something similar. Or have a girls night in instead of a girls night out. Seriously, even if you can only afford to donate 5$... that'd be amazing! But give what you can! If you really could afford to give 50$..then do that if you want!

This is a great opportinuty to help some animals that need it, as well as a chance to win Uh-Maze-Ing Prizes!

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